Where a person challenges the validity of a judgment, decree or order on plea of fraud, misrepresentation or want of jurisdiction, he shall seek his remedy by making an application to the Court which passed the final judgment, decree or order and not by a separate Suit.
Entire case was not examined in its correct perspective which resulted in grave miscarriage of justice : 1994 SCMR 782
S.12(2)---Decree passed without recording evidence of parties---Application for setting aside such decree on grounds of fraud, collusion and misrepresentation---Dismissal of application summarily by Trial Court was upheld in revision and by High Court in constitution petition---Validity---Disposal of application in such manner was not justified in view of serious allegation leveled therein----Trial Court aught to have framed issues and recorded evidence of parties, particularly when decree had also been passed without recording evidence of parties----Inquiry directed by Supreme Court accepted appeal set aside impugned judgment of High Court and Courts below directing that such application would be deemed to be pending before Trial Court for its decision within specified time after framing issues and recording evidence of parties. 2006 SCMR 1530-1532 A & B.
Serious allegation of Forgery, fraud, collusion and misrepresentation could not be decided without recording of evidence: 2008 SCMR 236
Case Remanded:
S.12(2)---Application U/ S.12(2) CPC. Containing serious allegations of forgery and fraud could not be decided without recording of evidence. 2008 SCMR 236, [p.239] A.
2006 SCMR [p. 1532] A & B.
1993 SCMR [p. 712] A.
Trail Court ought to frame issues and record evidence of parties, particularly when decree had also been passed without evidence of parties.
Decree passed without recording evidence of parties---Application for setting aside such decree on grounds of fraud, collusion and misrepresentation-Plea of petitioner was that exemption orders were invalid, fictitious, forged thus----Dismissal of application summarily by trial Court was upheld in revision and by High Court in Constitutional Petition---Disposal of application in such manner was not justified in view of serious allegations leveled therein—Trail Court aught to have framed issues and recorded evidence of parties, particularly when decree had also been passed without evidence of parties.
2006 SCMR [p. 1532] A & B.
Status Quo Confirmed : 1987 CLC 484
S.12(2)---Applicant challenging validity of decree under S.12(2) CPC, Status quo order issued earlier was confirmed in order to avoid third party interest and to avoid complications. [p.485] A.
Status Quo was maintained: 1994 SCMR365
S.12(2)---The ex parte decree of which the execution is sought is under challenge before trial Court on grounds of fraud and collusion and matter being sub judice, the trial court had properly exercised its discretion in maintaining status quo, and the appellate court without substantial judgment of revisional court. 1994 SCMR [p.367] A.
Ex Parte decree had been obtained on basis of defective and false service on applicant in collusion with bailiff of court 1987 MLD 1253 [p.1255].
S. 12(2) ---Constitution of Pakistan, Art. 199---Constitutional petition---Dismissal of suit for non-prosecution---Non-issuance of notice of restoration application to defendants and fresh notices after suit restored---Passing of ex parte decree on 6-4-2009 and getting possession of suit house by plaintiff through its execution---Application under S.12(2) , C.P.C. for setting aside ex parte decree by legal heirs of a defendant, who died on 14-1-2008 during pendency of suit---Order of Trial Court allowing application under S.12(2) , C.P.C. and setting aside whole decree upheld by Appellate Court---Plaintiff's plea that such decree could be set aside partly to the extent of deceased defendant and not other defendants, who had not participated in proceedings under S. 12(2) , C.P.C.---Validity---Plaintiff had obtained ex parte decree at the back of defendants and against a dead person, whose signatures appearing on Vakalatnama did not tally with his signatures on suit agreement---Such ex parte decree could not enjoy sanctity attached to a judicial order---Ex parte decree had been set aside on grounds of fraud committed by plaintiff and disclosure of sufficient cause by defendants for their non-appearance---Fraud would vitiate most solemn proceedings---Tainted actions would be void ab initio wholly and not partly---Section 12(2) , C.P.C. equated fraud with illegality invalidating a defective order fully and not by some degree---Such ex parte decree must be set aside wholly and not partly as there were no degrees of invalidity---Plaintiff had not pointed out any jurisdictional defect in the impugned orders---High Court dismissed constitutional petition, in circumstances.
2012 PLD 240 LAHORE.
Ss.9, 12 & 22---Qanun-e-Shahadat (10 of 1984), Art.84---Civil Procedure Code (V of 1908), S.12(2) , O.VII, Rr.1(c) & 9(1A)(b)--- Suit for recovery of bank loan---Fraud---Proof---Comparison of signatures---Powers of court---Suit filed by bank was decreed ex parte against some of the defendants and execution was filed---Such defendants got ex parte decree set aside on the ground that they did not mortgage their properties resultantly suit filed by bank was dismissed---Validity---Mortgage deed in respect of properties showed name of one defendant as witness, whereas power of attorney of the same date showed that same defendant executed it on such date and some other person was shown as a witness---Such anomaly itself showed nothing but fraud and forgery and vitiated the two documents---Banking Court, on its own, under the provisions of Art.84 of Qanun-e-Shahadat, 1984, looked into the signatures of the defendant as available on mortgage deed and power of attorney, both of the same date and compared the same from the ones available on Vakalatnama, leave to defend application and other documents and came to the conclusion that signatures appearing on deeds and power of attorney were forged---Banking Court after looking into the matter had rightly dismissed the suit and judgment required no interference--- Appeal was dismissed in circumstances.
2012 CLD 471 KARACHI.
Ss. 12(2) , 141 & O.VII, R.11(a)---Application under S.12(2) , C.P.C. containing serious allegations of forgery and fraud---Rejection of such application on basis of reply/written statement by invoking provision of O.VII, R.11(a), C.P.C.---Validity---Order VII, R.11, C.P.C. pertaining to suits and plaints in particular would. be attracted only when plaint, by itself, did not disclose any cause of action---Order VII, R.11, C.P.C. could not be attracted on basis of written statement as initial burden would remain on plaintiff/applicant to prove his case on basis of assertions made in pleadings Pleadings of parties could not be taken as evidence, particularly when its maker was not even examined in its support and cross-examined by his opponent---Provision of S.141, C.P.C. would not attract to such application---Substantial requirement of recording of evidence on pure and serious question of fact could not be by-passed by unjustifiably invoking of O.VII, R.11, C.P.C.---Such application could not be decided on mere reply/written statement by respondent without recording of evidence---Principles.
2008 SCMR 236.
S. 12(2) ---Scope of S.12.(2), C.P.C.---Decree could be set aside only on the ground stated in S.12(2) , C.P.C.---Where no case of fraud or misrepresentation was made out and ground for setting aside the decree. was not at all a such ground as envisaged by S.12(2) , C.P.C. but pertained to the merits of the case, application under S.12(2) , C.P.C. was liable to be dismissed.
2008 PLD 591.