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Scope of the second proviso to Order XXI Rule 90 CPC - Matter referred to the HCJ for constitution of a Larger Bench.

It is now a well-established principle of practice and procedure of this Court that the earlier judgment of a Bench of this Court is binding not only upon the Benches of smaller numeric strength but also upon the Benches of co-equal strength; a Bench of co-equal strength cannot deviate from the view held by an earlier Bench, and if a contrary view has to be taken, then the proper course is to request the Hon’ble Chief Justice for constitution of a larger Bench to reconsider the earlier view. For, the law declared by this Court should be clear, certain and consistent, as it is binding on all other courts of the country, under Article 189 of the Constitution of Pakistan, 1973. The doctrine of binding precedent promotes certainty and consistency in judicial decisions, and ensures an organic and systematic development of the law.

Mst. Samrana Nawaz, etc v. MCB Bank Ltd., etc
Mr. Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah

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