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Hiba in old age is doubtful

ان میں اکثر ہبہ جات کو کالعدم کردیاگیا تھا کیونکہ 70 سال کی عمر کا شخص اپنے ذہنی فیصلہ کرنے کی صلاحیت درست استعمال نہیں کرسکتا۔۔۔شکریہ
(1) At the time of making Gift donee was 92/93 years old, meaning thereby that he was fairly old at the relevant time.
2014 SCMR 1181
(2) Statement of donor (ninety years old)
2003 SCMR 41
(3) First donor was about 75 years old.
2004 SCMR 1370
(4) Donor was 90 years old.
2010 SCMR 1370
(5) Ninety years old
2004 YLR 1956
(6) Gift-deed was executed by an ailing 80/85 years old woman.
2005 SCMR 1885

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