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Inherent power and doctrine of estoppel cannot be applied to defeat the provisions of statute.

 Principle of estoppel does not apply against statute and it has no application when statutory rights and liabilities are involved. As it is now well settled that no estoppel exists against law, therefore, keeping in view the facts and circumstances of the cases, we are compelled to observe that one wrong of the respondents of not claiming their right earlier cannot be acted upon as a precedent when it comes to give effect to the express words of a statute. If a person has been bestowed some legal right by law/statute and he omits to claim such legal right for a certain period of time, it does not mean that he has waived his legal right and subsequently he cannot claim such right. Inherent power and doctrine of estoppel cannot be applied to defeat the provisions of statute. When the statute clearly provided that study leave on full pay may be granted to an employee who has put in at least three years service, the appellant authority ought not to have refused the respondents their right guaranteed under the statute.

University of Malakand thr. Registrar and another v. Dr. Alam Zeb and others

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