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پرت پٹوار اور پرت سرکار

 Pert patwar ' and 'Pert Sarkar.

2016 CLC 302
"Part Patwar "---Meaning---Part Patwar would relate to the proceedings taken by the Revenue Officer and same would conclusively determine the fact of transaction to take place as well as the proceedings which had preceded the said transaction being sanctioned in the name of beneficiary.
Part Patwar would relate to the proceedings taken by the Revenue Officer and same would conclusively determine the fact of transaction to take place as well as the proceedings which had preceded the said transaction being sanctioned in the name of beneficiary---Thumb impressions of plaintiff were taken only on Part Patwar and not on Part Sarkar---Impugned mutation was not sanctioned in a Jalsa-i-Aam or at a public place---Provisions of S.42 of West Pakistan Land Revenue Act, 1967 had not been complied with---Transaction was not carried out with the free will of the plaintiff---Nothing was on record that proceedings with regard to identification of plaintiff had taken place---No evidence had been produced with regard to the proceedings taken by the revenue officer in respect of exchange as well as transaction of exchange which had been alleged to have taken place---Alleged transaction of exchange could not be upheld and sustained on such ground alone--
PLD 2006 Pesh 53
--'Part patwar ' and 'Part Sarkar'---Form of mutation was kept in duplicate, one copy which was retained by Patwari, was commonly known as Part patwar and other which was sent to Tehsil to be attached to the Jamabandi as an authority for the new entries which it contained, commonly known as 'Part Sarkar'---Patwari's report attested by Field Qanungo or ordered by Revenue Officer, was written only in the copy of Register to be filed with Jamabandi i.e. Part Sarkar was enough in Patwar's copy (Part patwar ) to show how the case was disposed of by entering the briefest possible extract of the order and that abstract was written by Revenue Officer with his own hand---Since Patwari's report, the attestation of it by the Field Qanungo and order of Revenue Officer, were available only in the copy of Register to be filed with Jamabandi i.e. 'Part Sarkar', said 'Part Sarkar' was to be given preference over 'Part patwar '.

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