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Ignorance, negligence, mistake or hardship did not save limitation, nor does poverty of the parties and as held by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of Pakistan, the law of ................

 2023 CLC 1349

Ignorance, negligence, mistake or hardship did not save limitation, nor does poverty of the parties and as held by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of Pakistan, the law of limitation is a statute of repose, designed to quieten title and to bar stale and water-logged disputes and is to be strictly complied with. Statutes of limitation by their very nature are strict and inflexible. The Act does not confer a right it only regulates the rights of the parties. Such a regulatory enactment cannot be allowed to extinguish vested rights or curtail remedies, unless all the conditions for extinguishment of rights and curtailment of remedies are fully complied with in letter and spirit. There is no scope in limitation law for any equitable or ethical construction to get over them. Justice, equity and good conscience do not override the law of limitation. Their object is to prevent stale demands and so they ought to be construed strictly.

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