The holder of a general power of attorney must obtain special permission from the principal when transferring the principal's property, either in their(naeem) own favour or in the name of their relatives.
The holder of a general power of attorney must obtain special permission from the principal when transferring the principal's property, either in their(naeem) own favour or in the name of their relatives.
Appeal under Section 96 CPC. Order II Rule 6-A consolidation of suits. Order XIV CPC. Framing issues / Additional issues. Statement of a witness under Articles 132, 133 & 134 of Qanun-i-Shahadat Order, 1984
انشورنس پالیسی کی رقم "ترکہ" شمار ہوتی ہے اور متوفی پالیسی ہولڈر کے تمام قانونی ورثا اسکے حقدار ہیں